Sunday, May 24, 2009

Love's Eternal Embrace

In the tapestry of hearts entwined, a story unfurls,

Why do souls unite, in love's embrace it twirls,

Has the world veered astray, forsaking love's true art,

Or does affection linger, companionship in every heart?


Why do wandering spirits seek refuge from love's shore,

Betraying trust and vows, leaving hearts bruised and sore,

As years paint grace upon our forms, a truth we must embrace,

Can love's ardor thrive, despite time's gentle trace?


Endurance in the sacred bond,

a question, strong and bold,

Can love's resplendent light outshine the world's allure of gold,

In an age of "me," where passions rule and bind,

Do we forget the Creator, the sacred tie that binds?


Within the whirlwind of our lives, let love be our guide,

An anchor in the storm, where trust and grace reside,

For in this covenant of souls, two spirits intertwine,

A testament of faith, where eternal love will shine.


he'd been telling her lies all along, she knew she'd gotten it all wrong.. but with me,she's now getting it all right, the a...